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Glyph filtering

Learn about glyph filtering and its usage

Aastha avatar
Written by Aastha
Updated over 2 months ago

Glyph Filtering helps you to find specific families which support all of the chosen glyphs by you. A glyph is a graphical symbol, which provides an appearance or form of a character.  

Enter all the glyphs you want supported in the typetester at the top of the results in the browse section, then turn on the ‘Filter by Glyphs’ option.

How is glyph filtering useful

These are the following use cases of glyph filtering:  

  • Quality control – It will help you filter out fonts that do not support the desired set of glyphs right at the start of your workflow

  • Localization and language support – Fonts generally need to support a wide range of characters/glyphs from different languages. Through glyph filtering, you can ensure all your desired glyphs from different languages are supported by the font you will eventually choose, ensuring comprehensive coverage

How do I use glyph filter

You can use glyph filtering anywhere in your usual search and discovery on the browse page

  1. Log in to with valid credentials. 

  2. You can either perform a search using the search bar at the top or you can navigate to Browse > Fonts. The All Fonts window displays. You can apply the required filters to narrow down the result set.

  3.  Enter the desired glyphs in the typetester and enable the Filter by Glyphs toggle button. Once the toggle is turned on, you will see only those families which support the entered glyphs.

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  1. When Filter by Glyphs toggle is turned on, the results load slower as it requires relatively complex calculations. Hence, it is suggested to turn on the toggle only when you are looking specifically to filter fonts by chosen glyphs and turn it off when it is not required for other searches.

    Also, the toggle is reset to off for every new search, so you need to turn on the toggle back on whenever needed.

  2. There are some font families where the glyph coverage varies across different styles of the families. When such families appear in results, you might see tofu symbols after enabling glyph filtering as it works at the family level. In such cases, please check other styles of the same family, as at least one other style of the family will have the required coverage of glyphs entered.

    For example, when glyph filtering is turned on for καλημέρα, Rotis Serif is shown as a result with the 55 Regular style in the family preview. However, this style does not support the chosen glyphs.

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    If we see the other styles of this family, there will be styles with full support for the chosen glyphs – 55 Greek Regular, 56 Greek Italic and 65 Greek Bold support the chosen glyphs

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Workflow tip for efficiency

  1. Since Glyph filtering slows down results, you should perform other refinements first - by doing a query search, or by applying requisite filters. Keep the glyph filter off during this process

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  2. Collect all the glyphs you want supported. These could belong to different languages you want coverage for. Input these glyphs in the typetester once you have completed step 1 above.

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  3. Turn on Filter by Glyphs toggle to further filter the result set to see only those fonts which support all your chosen glyphs. Turning the Filter by Glyphs as the last step ensures a fast experience while you are refining results.

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