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Keep Fonts Forever

Learn how to access fonts scheduled for de-release with the Keep Fonts Forever feature

Supriya Bisht avatar
Written by Supriya Bisht
Updated over a week ago

The Keep Fonts Forever feature allows you to retain access to fonts marked as production in Monotype Fonts, even when a foundry decides to remove them from the Monotype Fonts library.

Why do foundries de-release their fonts?

There are a variety of reasons why a foundry might de-release a font, e.g.:

  • The foundry is rebranding its font inventory.

  • The font is incompatible with newer system versions.

  • The contract with the foundry has expired.

Font de-releases are often the result of changing industry trends, technological advancements, and legal considerations.

Can I still use a de-released font?

Yes, but not by default. When a font is removed from the Monotype Fonts inventory, you lose the legal right to use it. However, if you wish to keep the font and use it for as long as needed, your company should designate it as a font that is being used in production (i.e., a “production font”). This grants you post-termination rights, and the font will be assigned to you as an additional font.

There are a limited number of fonts to which the Keep Fonts Forever feature doesn't apply. If you would like to maintain access to any of these fonts, please contact us.

How will I know if a font is going to be de-released?

When a font or font family is going to be de-released, a notification will appear at least thirty days in advance of the planned de-release date:

  • When a user adds a font that is going to be de-released to a font list, notifications will be shown on the font and family rows of that font list.

  • De-release notifications will also appear on the “Favorites” and “Synced fonts” pages, if any expiry fonts are available.

  • At the top of the font list, if that list contains expiry fonts.

  • On the “Browse” page, when a user is searching for fonts, they will see an alert if a font is going to be de-released:

  • On the family and font pages of expiry fonts.

This notification will not be shown for production fonts—because they are already marked as production, no further action is required.

How can I retain access to fonts after they have been removed from the inventory?

To maintain your access to de-released fonts, make sure that the production fonts functionality is enabled for your company. To do so, please refer to How can I enable the production fonts setting?

Here’s how to designate a font as production:

  1. Fonts/families that are going to be de-released will have alerts next to their names.

  2. On clicking the “View” link, a “Fonts leaving soon” modal will open showing the fonts that are going to be de-released and the date when each font is planned to be de-released:

  3. If your company has the production font setting enabled, the modal will show the “Add to” and “Add all to” CTAs. If your company has the production font setting disabled, the “Add to” functionality will not be available.

  4. When you click the “Add to” icon on the “Fonts leaving soon” modal, an “Add to” modal will open showing all the assets marked as production. Fonts can be added to production assets for the purpose of marking them as production fonts, so that you can still retrieve them after their de-release.

How can I enable the production fonts setting?

If you plan to maintain your access to de-released fonts by designating them as production fonts, your company must have the production fonts setting enabled. To enable this setting, please ask your IT administrator to contact Monotype Fonts customer support.

Frequently asked questions

Will font de-release notifications also appear in My Library?

Yes, if any font in the list is due to be de-released, de-release notifications will be shown at the top of the font list as well as next to the font and family that is scheduled for de-release.

How are fonts sorted in the “Fonts leaving soon” modal?

Fonts are sorted based on their de-release dates. Fonts that are set to be de-released sooner appear at the top of the list, followed by those that are scheduled for de-release at later dates. When two fonts share the same de-release date, they are sorted alphabetically.

Can I sync and download de-released fonts?

Yes, if a de-released font is marked as production and assigned to you, then you can perform all the actions that were possible before the font was de-released: syncing, downloading, browsing, adding to lists, searching, etc.

If a font that is set to be de-released is used in a live web project or digital ad, and that font is not marked as production, what will happen to the web project/digital ad after that font is de-released?

Web projects and digital ads will continue to contain de-released fonts—there will be no impact. Those fonts will still be displayed in the web projects and digital ads on the Monotype Fonts platform.

Will the de-released fonts have any rendering issues?

No, de-released fonts will render properly, just as they did before their de-release.

Can a user continue to use a font after it has been de-released?

Yes, if the user has the license to use it, a font can be used after being de-released.

How can users find fonts that are similar to the de-released fonts?

Users can search for similar fonts from the “Fonts leaving soon” modal or on the “Browse” page.

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