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Working with Font Lists & Folders

Learn more about how font lists and folders can help you organize and share fonts with your team.

Supriya Bisht avatar
Written by Supriya Bisht
Updated over 4 months ago

What are font lists?

Font lists are one of the many font grouping tools you have at your disposal when organizing your library in Monotype Fonts. Add fonts to font lists to share them with the people working with you on your creative projects—both teams and individuals alike.


Use folders and subfolders to organize your font lists, web projects, and digital ads neatly within a multi-level, nested hierarchy.

Note: Fonts can not be added directly to folders or subfolders. They must first be part of a font list, web project, or digital ad.

Creating a font list

1. To create a font list, begin by clicking on the Create new button in the sidebar.


2. Next, select Font list from the Create new dialog.


3. Enter a Name, and optionally, a Description for your font list.


4. Finally, click on the Create button.


Your new font list will appear in the sidebar. Click on it to open it in the main view and start adding fonts to your new font list.


Adding (and removing) fonts in a font list

You can add fonts to your font lists from anywhere you encounter the Add to button throughout your font discovery and management journey. Here are a few examples:

From the browse section

When discovering new fonts in the Browse section, hover over a font row and click on the Add to button.


This will bring up the Add to... dialog. Select the font list(s) you’d like to add fonts to.


From font and family pages

The Add to button can also be found on all font and family pages. Click on it to add the selected fonts and families to your font lists.


From search results

Hover over a font row in your search results to find the Add to button.


From your Favorites

You can also add fonts to your font lists when accessing your Favorites within your library. Here again, simply hover over a font row to find the Add to button.


From your Synced fonts list

Add fonts you’ve already synced and worked with to your font lists for easy sharing and distribution among your creative teams. Hover over a font row in the Synced fonts view and click on the Add to button.


From one font list to another

You can add fonts from one font list to another list by simply clicking on a font list and then hovering over a font row to find the Add to button.


Removing fonts from a font list

You can remove fonts from your font lists by hovering over a font row and clicking on the X-shaped icon at the left end of the row.


Sharing, revoking, and defining access level for a font list

You can ensure visual consistency in your projects by sharing a font list with your team, so everyone has access the correct fonts as they work on their project(s). Once the font list has been shared, your team members will be able to use the Monotype App to sync and activate fonts with a single click. Learn more about syncing and installing fonts with the Monotype App here.

Sharing and granting access to a font list

1. To create a font list, begin by clicking on the Create new button in the sidebar.


2. Once the font list is open in the main view, click on the Share access button to bring up the sharing dialog.


3. In the sharing dialog, select teams and individuals to share the font list by clicking on the + button next to their names. You can also search for specific teams or individuals by using the search bar in this dialog.


4. Once you’ve added users to a font list, you can also define their access level by clicking on the access level drop-down menu that appears next to their names. This is set to "View only" by default, but can be changed to any of the following levels:


"Is owner"

Users with "Is owner" access can:

  • Sync, unsync, and download fonts on the shared font list.

  • Add fonts to the shared font list.

  • Add fonts from the shared font list to another font list.

  • Share the font list with other users, providing either “Can edit” or “View only” access.

  • Remove fonts from the shared font list.

  • Edit the shared font list, including its Name and Description.

  • Duplicate the shared font list.

  • Delete the shared font list.

  • Search for similar fonts.

"Can edit"

Users with “Can edit” access can:

  • Sync, unsync, and download fonts on the shared font list.

  • Add fonts to the shared font list.

  • Add fonts from the shared font list to another font list.

  • Share the font list with other users, providing either “Can edit” or “View only” access.

  • Remove fonts from the shared font list.

  • Duplicate the shared font list.

  • Search for similar fonts.

"View only"

Users with “View only” access can:

  • Sync, unsync, and download fonts on the shared font list.

  • Add fonts from the shared font list to another font list.

  • Search for similar fonts.

You can also choose to notify users you’ve shared your font list with via email using the Notify shared users by email option toggle-switch.


You may also choose to share a font list with your entire company in one go by clicking on the Share with entire company toggle-switch.


Once you’re ready, click on the Update button to put the changes into effect.


Revoking access to a font list

1. To revoke a user’s access to a shared font list, open the sharing dialog, search for the user or team, and hover over the checkmark icon next to their name.


2. This will toggle the checkmark icon to an X-shaped Remove Access button. Click on it to revoke that user's access.


Creating folders and subfolders

You can streamline your font library by organizing your font lists, web projects, and digital ads into multi-level, nested folder structures. Let’s take a look at how to create folders and subfolders in your library.

Note: Folders and subfolders can only contain font lists, web projects, and digital ads. Fonts cannot be directly added to folders.

Creating a folder

1. To create a folder, begin by clicking on the Create new button in the left sidebar.


2. In the Create new dialog, click on the Folder option.


3. Next, give your folder a Name, and optionally, a Description.


4. Once done, click on the Create button to finish creating your new folder.


Your new folder will appear in the left sidebar. Click on its name to open it in the main view on the right.


Creating a subfolder inside an existing folder

1. To create a subfolder within an existing folder, begin by clicking on one of your folders in the left sidebar.


2. Next, click on the Add folders, font lists… button underneath where the folder name is displayed in the main view.


3. In the Create new dialog, click on the Folder option.


4. Next, give this subfolder a Name, and optionally, a Description.


5. Once done, click on the Create button to finish creating your new subfolder.


You will see your subfolder appear under a new “Folders” header inside the parent folder already open in the main view.


You will also be able to see an Expand icon appear beside your parent folder’s name in the left sidebar. Click on it to see an expanded view of your new folder hierarchy.


Note: You can follow the steps outlined above to create anything—font lists, web projects, and digital ads—directly from within a folder or a subfolder.

Moving folders

You can organize your library by moving a root-level folder inside another folder or by moving subfolders from one parent folder to another.

1. Begin by clicking on a folder in the left sidebar to open it in the main view on the right.


2. Click on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon beside the folder's name to bring up the action menu.


3. From the action menu, click Move.


4. In the Move to folder… dialog, select the folder you’d like to move your current folder into. You can also search for a particular folder using the search bar at the top of this dialog.


5. Once you’ve selected the destination folder, click on the Done button to put your changes into effect.

Note: Once moved inside another folder, a folder will inherit sharing access from its new parent folder.

Tip: The action menu for subfolders can also be accessed directly from the listing view when viewing a parent folder.


You can also move a folder back to root level by selecting My Library in the Move to folder… dialog.


Moving a font list inside a folder

1. Begin by clicking on a font list on the left sidebar.


2. Click on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon beside the font list’s name to bring up the action menu.


3. From the action menu, click Move.


4. In the Move to folder… dialog, select a folder to which you’d like to add your font list. You can also search for a particular folder using the search bar at the top of this dialog.


5. Once you’ve selected the destination folder, click on the Done button to put your changes into effect.


Note: Once moved inside another folder, a folder will inherit sharing access from its new parent folder.

Sharing folders

Similar to sharing font lists, you can also share folders with your teams, providing them access to all the font lists, web projects, and digital ads contained in the shared folder.

Sharing and granting access to a folder

1. Begin by clicking on a folder name in the left sidebar.


2. Once the folder is open in the main view, click on the Share access button to bring up the sharing dialog.


3. In the sharing dialog, select teams and individuals you'd like to share the folder with by clicking on the + button next to their names. You can also search for specific teams or individuals using the search bar at the top of this dialog.


4. Once you’ve added users to a folder, you can also define their access levels by clicking on the drop-down menu that appears next to their name.


5. You can also choose to notify users you’ve shared your folder with via email using the Notify shared users by email option toggle-switch.


6. You may also choose to share a folder with your entire company in one go by clicking on the Share with entire company toggle-switch.


7. Once you’re ready, click on the Update button to put your changes into effect.


Revoking access to a folder

1. To revoke a user or team's access to a shared folder, open the sharing dialog, search for the user or team, and hover over the checkmark icon next to their name.


2. This will toggle the checkmark icon to an X-shaped Remove Access button. Click on it to revoke access.


Font lists & folders: More options

Now let’s take a look at a few more actions you can perform with font lists and folders.

Edit a font list/folder

You can edit the Name and Description for a font list or folder by clicking on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon nex to their name and selecting Edit from the action menu.


Duplicate a font list/folder

You can duplicate an existing font list or folder by clicking on the verticla ellipsis (⋮) icon and selecting Duplicate from the action menu.


The duplicated font list or folder will be created within the folder the original list/folder was contained in. For font lists and folders residing at the root level, duplicates appear at the root level in the sidebar.

You can perform the actions listed above if:

  • You are the original owner/creator of the font list or folder.

  • You have “Is owner” or “Can edit” access to the font list or folder.

Delete a font list/folder

You can also delete a font list or a folder by clicking on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon and selecting Delete in the action menu.

You can only delete a font list or folder if:

  • You are the original owner/creator of the font list or folder.

  • You have “Is owner” access to the font list or folder.

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